We understand how comfortable accommodation can play a huge role in Hostel Mess
Mess Rules & Regulations
Hostel Mess is meant only for bona fide College students. It is furnished with the necessary furniture and utensils.
Mess members elect their own Mess Manager and run it themselves or through a contractor.
The Manager shall keep the accounts, supervise the work of servants and see that the kitchen and utensils are kept clean and tidy.
On the application from one-half of the members of the Mess, the Warden can order the election of a new mess Manager.
Meals will be served in the Dining Room and shall not be taken in the living rooms.
Members intending to be absent from a meal must notify the Manager at least a day previously or as decided by the warden, otherwise, they will be charged for it.
Members will clear their previous month’s balance on or before the 10th of each month after which the Warden may debar any member from the use of the Mess on the advice of the Mess Manager.
Before proceeding on vacation members shall clear their Mess and Canteen accounts.
Members inviting guests for meals should intimate the fact to the Manager at least six hours before the meals are served or as amicably arranged.
The Warden may forfeit the right of Membership of any member if his conduct is found unsatisfactory or if he does not abide by the rules of the Mess.